How do I submit a Project to a Challenge?


Last Update 4 years ago

Submitting an Existing JOGL Project to a Challenge

The following steps are for Project owners/teams who have already created their Project pages on JOGL. 

  1. Sign into JOGL and navigate to your project page.
  2. Next to the title of your project, click the “Edit” link.

  3. Click on the tab labeled “Advanced”.
  4. Navigate to the “Submit my project to a challenge” header and click the button that says “Submit my project”.
  5. Scroll through the available Challenges, and choose the one that best fits the goals of your Project.
  6. Make sure to check the Challenge pages to make sure that they are still accepting new projects.
  7. Once you have submitted your choice, the moderators of the respective Challenge will either approve or decline your joining request.

Creating a New Project Within a Challenge

The following steps are for teams that do not currently have a JOGL Project on the platform, but would like to create one and join a Challenge.

  1. Click on the Challenge you would like to submit your Project to and click on "Submit a project".
  2. If you do not see that button, click on "Join challenge" and then click on "Submit a project" to create a Project from there. 

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