How do I create or delete a Project?


Last Update 4 yıl önce

Creating a JOGL Project

  1. Sign into JOGL.
  2. In the top right corner, next to the bell icon, click on “Create” dropdown option.
  3. In the dropdown menu, select “a project” to create a project.
  4. Follow the prompts on the screen to title your project, provide a description, and include more information.

Use this video as a guide for what information to include when creating your project.

Adding People to Your Project

  1. Sign into JOGL and navigate to your project page.
  2. Next to the title of your project, click the “Edit” link.
  3. Click on the tab labeled “Members” and click on the button that reads “Add new members”.
  4. If your team member has a JOGL account, you can add them through their JOGL username or if they do not have a JOGL account, you can send them an email invite.
  5. Navigate back to the tab labeled “Information” and scroll down to the button that says “Update” to save your changes.
  6. After you have saved your changes, you should be able to see the new member listed under the “Members” link on your project’s page.

For a video walkthrough, check out this demo here.

Adding/Deleting Documents to Your Project

  1. Sign into JOGL and navigate to your project page.
  2. Next to the title of your project, click the “Edit” link.
  3. Click on the tab labeled “Members” and click on the button that reads “Attach one or multiple files”.
  4. You will be prompted to select documents/media from your device.
  5. To add more documents, click on the “Attach files” button again until you have attached all your files.
  6. To delete a document, click on the red X on the upper right hand corner of the uploaded document.

For a video walkthrough, check out this demo here

Deleting a Project

  1. Sign into JOGL and navigate to your project’s page.
  2. Next to the title of your project, click the “Edit” link.
  3. Click on the tab labeled “Advanced”.
  4. You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to delete your project. If you are sure you want to delete the project, click the “Yes” button.

For a video walkthrough, check out this demo here.

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